Applying WS2 Tungsten Disulfide through out industry for over 30 years. Meeting AMS2530A standard formally DOD-L-85645A type 1.

Origins of WS2 (Tungsten Disulfide).Tungsten Disulfide was developed by NASA as part of the space program in the 60's and 70's. By the mid 80's it found its way into industry. The benefits of this thin film lubrication is now being utilized in automotive, bearings, compressor, firearm, gears, medical equipment, motors, plastics, pumps, robotics, tooling, and the list goes on.

WS2 Modified tungsten disulfide in lamellar form. Applied at ambient temperature under high pressure spray without the use of any binders. Can be applied to all stable substrates. Has a slight blue gray color once applied. Does not add any hardness but does take on the hardness of the substrate. Material thickness is 1/2 micron (0.000020 inches) with a coefficient of friction 0.030 dynamic. Has a temperature range of -460 to 1200f. WS2 is not corrosion resistant but, does provide a minor delay in corrosion. Is impervious to most solvents and fuels. Can only be removed by the abraiding process or removal of the substrate material.